Parenting classes Camberwell, Fitzroy and McKinnon

The expert team of child psychologists at Reflection Psychology Group have cleverly developed a series of parenting classes to help parents raise their children. Our Practical Parenting Workshop runs for three hours over three separate days/evenings over three weeks. We understand there is a great deal of content that could be covered in parenting classes so we have developed a program that is specifically designed for our participants.

Once you have signed up to attend our parenting classes, you will receive an email address to which you can send your top five questions or topics that you would like answered or covered in the Practical Parenting Workshop. Our psychologists will ensure that they incorporate your questions into the three-day workshop in addition to the key topics that they have already planned for the workshops that they believe are most useful in their experiences working with parenting.

Key objectives of the Practical Parenting Workshop

The main objective of the Practical Parenting Workshop is to have our participants walking out at the end of the workshop feeling that they have developed useful practical but evidence-based strategies to assist them with parenting their children.

Other topics that will be addressed include: Social media/gaming and the Internet; socialisation; food and behaviour; sleep issues; bullying; self-esteem building; discipline.


The full cost of the three-day Practical Parenting Workshop is $300 per person or $450 per couple. A GP Health Care Plan referral may entitle you to rebates for the workshop. Rebates are also accessible through some private health insurers, provided your insurance includes psychology.

Upcoming parenting classes dates and details will be announced shortly. Contact Reflection Psychology Group in Fitzroy, Camberwell or McKinnon for more information. Our range of clinical psychologist guided workshops includes workshops for retirees and the child psychologist-devised Social Eyes Wise.

Please be advised that fees for the workshop are non-refundable.