Retire Right counselling services Camberwell, Fitzroy and McKinnon

The prospect of having a wonderful and easy transition into retirement seems easy, right? Not necessarily. We spend so much of our lives dedicated to our responsibilities such as work and family that it is often a massive shock to the system when we transition into a lifestyle without these responsibilities. It is not uncommon to see people struggling with their sense of purpose and new lifestyles and their mental health can be significantly impacted.

Our highly skilled team of psychologists at Reflection Psychology Group have therefore developed a one-day/evening counselling workshop that will assist people to Retire Right.

Objectives of the Retire Right Workshop

The Retire Right workshop will be run for three hours over one day/evening. The key objectives of the psychologist-led workshop will be to educate our participants on what to expect from retirement. Most importantly, the workshop will equip participants with tools for planning their retirements as well as daily routines. Participants will also receive guidance in resources that will keep them linked to programs and activities that will keep them active and stimulated once retired. This workshop is suitable for those planning their retirement or already in retirement.


The total cost of this three-hour workshop is $150. A Health Care Plan referral from your GP entitles you to rebates and Disability, Health or Aged Pension Cards will be discounted.

Upcoming Retire Right Workshop dates and details will be announced shortly. Contact our psychologists in McKinnon, Fitzroy and Camberwell for Retire Right or any of our other workshops including the child psychologist-created Social Eyes Wise or clinical psychologist-devised Mindfulness 101 course.

Please take note that fees for the workshop are non-refundable.