Counselling for critical incidents, Camberwell and McKinnon

Reflection Psychology Group provides support and counselling to people who have endured a traumatic event in the workplace or elsewhere. Our psychologists specialise in helping couples, individuals, teams and families with the difficulty and stress associated with a traumatic event.

Counselling following a critical workplace incident

The sudden, overwhelming stress of traumatic events can produce harmful emotional and physical responses in even the most level-headed employees, necessitating the assistance of a therapist such as a clinical psychologist. Reflection Psychology Group provides organisations with expert trauma counselling to help deal with events and issues that can lead to lasting psychological and medical problems that affect workplace performance.

In the event of a critical workplace incident, Reflection Psychology Group can arrange for a qualified psychologist who specialises in critical incidents to be on site as soon as practicably possible.

We are experienced in responding to a range of critical incidents such as: Workplace bullying and harassment; abuse and conflict between employees or customers; workplace injury; suicide of a colleague; bomb threats, sabotage or arson; emergencies and disasters

Working with a psychologist will help your employees quickly return to peak performance, working at their best again. Our counselling services include Employee Assistance Program (EAP) counselling for workers enduring difficult times.

Reflection Psychology Group’s clinics in Camberwell and McKinnon have general and clinical psychologists experienced in counselling people through a variety of traumatic situations.

If you are seeking counselling services for a critical incident or trauma at your organisation or other workshops requiring a psychologist, contact Reflection Psychology Group online or call us on (03) 9809 4888 to make an immediate booking.